Aly James Lab Releases OB-Xtreme MK3 Synth

Aly James Lab has just announced that they’ve released a significant upgrade to their OB-X/OB-Xa Synthesizer extended emulation for Mac and PC. They’re calling it the OB-Xtreme MK3, and it comes with many new features that make it even better than before.

One of the most significant changes is that the new version works on both Intel and ARM Macs, so more people can use it. They’ve also completely redesigned the interface to make it look more accessible. It comes in two colors – a classic grey OB-X style and a relaxed blue OB-Xa style.

Under the hood, they’ve improved how the synthesizer sounds. You can choose between four and eight voices, and new mono and poly unison modes let you create even more prominent sounds. They’ve also made it run more efficiently, so it won’t slow down your computer as much.

Another cool new feature is the ability to pan sounds in different ways. You can make them super wide, spread them out, or even make them ping-pong back and forth. And if you like to get creative with your sounds, you’ll love the new modulation options. You can use velocity to control the filter or amp envelope decay and even patch XMOD into the filter modulation.

Aly James Lab Releases OB-Xtreme MK3 Synth