Elevate Your Tracks with These Synth Layering Tips

Making synths sound professional requires understanding how different layers work together. Rather than randomly stacking sounds, successful layering considers four key characteristics: Frequencies matter most when choosing layers. Adding a piano to a saw synth works well because they occupy different frequency ranges. Piling multiple saw waves creates volume but adds little depth. Voicing shapes…

What is -6 dbfs?

-6 dBFS (decibels relative to full scale) indicates a digital audio level that is 6 decibels below the maximum possible digital level (0 dBFS). In digital audio, zero dBFS represents the highest signal level that can be represented in the digital system without clipping or distortion. Digital audio levels are expressed as negative numbers relative…

What are analog warmth and tube coloration?

Analog warmth and tube coloration are ways that some people think the music sounds different when it’s recorded or played using older kinds of electronics. These electronics use vacuum tubes and analog circuits—some people really like how music sounds when it goes through this older equipment. Vacuum tubes In the past, stereos and recording devices…

What is Audio Performance?

Audio performance describes how well audio equipment and systems reproduce sound. It covers everything from speakers and headphones to microphones and music players. The quality of audio performance affects what people hear when they listen to music, watch movies, or use audio devices. Basic Elements of Audio Performance Frequency Response Frequency response measures how accurately…