What is an Aufsichtsrat?

An Aufsichtsrat is a group of people who watch over a company in Germany. They make sure the company is doing what it should. They are like the parents of the company. The parents set rules. The parents check that the kids follow the rules.

Who is in the Aufsichtsrat?

The Aufsichtsrat has some important people in it:

  • A few people who work at the company
  • A few people from outside the company who know a lot about business
  • Maybe someone from a union if lots of workers at the company are in a union

These people meet a few times a year. They talk about how the company is doing. They talk about big things the company wants to do, like:

  • Making a new product
  • Buying another company
  • Picking a new boss for the company

What does the Aufsichtsrat do?

Think about when you were a kid. Your parents did stuff for you. But they didn’t do everything. They let you do some things yourself. That’s kind of like what the Aufsichtsrat does.

Set the rules

The Aufsichtsrat makes some rules for the company. Like what kinds of things the company can spend money on. Or how much the boss of the company gets paid. Stuff like that.

Check on the bosses

The Aufsichtsrat keeps an eye on the bosses of the company. The bosses run the company every day. The Aufsichtsrat doesn’t run the company every day. But they check to make sure the bosses are doing a good job. If the bosses aren’t doing a good job, the Aufsichtsrat can fire them and pick new bosses.

Look at the money

The Aufsichtsrat looks at how much money the company makes. They look at what the company spends money on. They want to make sure the company has enough money and isn’t wasting money.

Plan for the future

The Aufsichtsrat talks about what the company will do in the future. They help make a plan. The plan says what new things the company will do. The plan says how the company will make more money.

Why have an Aufsichtsrat?

You might wonder why a company needs an Aufsichtsrat. Why can’t the bosses just run everything? Well, there are a few reasons:

It’s the law

In Germany, big companies have to have an Aufsichtsrat. It’s the law. The government wants someone to watch over big companies. The government thinks this is important.

Extra sets of eyes

The bosses might not see everything. They are busy running the company every day. The Aufsichtsrat has people from outside the company. They can see things the bosses might miss. They can give ideas the bosses might not think of.

Protect the workers

Some people in the Aufsichtsrat come from unions. They make sure the company is being fair to the workers. They make sure the workers are getting paid enough. They make sure the workers are safe.

How does the Aufsichtsrat work?

The Aufsichtsrat has meetings. At the meetings, they talk about important stuff:

  • How much money the company made
  • Problems the company is having
  • Big changes the company wants to make


The bosses give reports to the Aufsichtsrat. The reports say what the company has been doing. The reports say how much money the company made or lost. The Aufsichtsrat reads the reports. They ask the bosses questions about the reports.


Sometimes the Aufsichtsrat visits the company’s offices and factories. They talk to the workers. They see how things are going. This helps them understand the company better.


The Aufsichtsrat makes some big decisions. Like if the company should buy another company. Or if the company should fire the boss and get a new one. They vote on these decisions. Most of the people have to agree for the decision to happen.

Aufsichtsrat vs. Board of Directors

If you know about companies in other countries like the US, this might sound like the Board of Directors. They are kind of similar. But there are some differences.

More worker power

In Germany, workers have more say in the Aufsichtsrat. Some people in the Aufsichtsrat have to come from unions. Workers help pick these people. In other countries, workers usually don’t help pick the Board of Directors.

Two groups

In some German companies, there are two groups that watch over the company. One is the Aufsichtsrat. The other is called the Vorstand. The Vorstand is smaller. It does more of the day-to-day stuff. In most other countries, there’s just the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors does what the Aufsichtsrat and Vorstand do together.

Why it matters

The Aufsichtsrat is important. They help make sure companies are doing the right things.

For the company

The Aufsichtsrat helps the company make good decisions. They bring in outside ideas. They stop the bosses from doing bad things. This can help the company make more money in the long run.

For the workers

The Aufsichtsrat watches out for the workers. They make sure the company treats workers fairly. They help make sure workers’ jobs are safe.

For Germany

Germany wants companies to be fair and honest. The Aufsichtsrat helps with this. They are an extra check on companies. This can make people trust German companies more. It can be good for Germany’s economy.

The future of the Aufsichtsrat

The Aufsichtsrat has been around for a long time. But it might change in the future.

More diversity

People want to see more types of people in the Aufsichtsrat. More women. More people from different backgrounds. They think this will bring in more ideas.

More worker say

Some people think workers should have even more say in the Aufsichtsrat. They want more people from unions. Or they want workers to help pick more of the people in the Aufsichtsrat.

Faster decisions

Some people think the Aufsichtsrat can be slow. It can take a long time to make decisions. Companies might need to move faster these days. So the Aufsichtsrat might need to change how it works.

In the end

The Aufsichtsrat is a big part of how companies work in Germany. They are like the watchful parents of the company. They set rules. They check on the bosses. They make big decisions.

For workers and for Germany, the Aufsichtsrat is important. It helps make sure companies are being fair and honest.

The Aufsichtsrat might change in the future. But it will probably always be there in some form. Watching over German companies. Keeping them on the right track.

That’s the Aufsichtsrat in a nutshell. The supervisory board that helps keep German companies running smoothly and fairly. An important part of what makes Germany’s economy tick.